Pat Council Podcast Episode

Perhaps you heard about your favorite podcasts through a friend, maybe you found them on sites like Likewise, you might have even stumbled across them online somewhere! Either way, having your favorite podcasts cued up for listening can inspire you to work out or help you breeze through a tedious task. Nothing can make working out or doing some decluttering feel better or go by faster than listening to something you enjoy. Music can get you moving or ignite your imagination, but podcasts can both inspire and teach. Podcasts can be entertaining, funny, and full of useful information. It all depends on what you are interested in listening to. Although, I host a podcast of my own, Designing Your Life Today featuring Pat Council, I have some favorites that I like to listen to while exercising or organizing my office. Here are a few of them:

  1. Designing Your Life Today – This podcast is both inspirational, full of information and actionable tips that will help you achieve both life and business goals. Yes, I listen to my own podcast. (Full disclosure: I listen so I can critic it and find ways to make it more valuable to my listeners.) Of course, there are times when I hear something that inspires me to get back on track with my own goal achievement.
  2. The School of Greatness – This podcast featuring Lewis Howes shares inspiring interviews with extremely successful people. He interviews people from across the planet.
  3. Smart Passive Income – Pat Flynn shares ideas and instructions that makes establishing passive income easier, among other topics.
  4. Social Media Marketing Podcast – Michael Stelzner shares information that helps businesses navigate through the social media world with actionable tips that can bring them more exposure.
  5. Freedom Fast Lane – Ryan Moran share tips on how to build a 7 Figure Business

When you look forward to listening to the next episode on your favorite podcast while you work out or complete some other task, you will most likely find it easier to develop habits that cater to your success. If working out consistently is one of your challenges, podcasts can make the time fly by. If you need to add more fun to your workout, my podcast episode: Make Working Out at Home Fun, just might be the inspiration you need.